Cryptexchange was founded to give the crypto community a safe, honest, anonymous place to trade. "Top" exchanges like Binance and Kucoin have sold out to regulators by forcing KYC, handing over personal information, counter trading against their users, and generally abandoning the spirit of crypto. Cryptexchange is different, we seek to be the most decentralized centralized exchange there is. Each holder of Cryptexchange's native token owns a peice of the exchange, takes a share of any profit, and can take pride in knowing they are part of something bigger than themselves. Our users are our main priority and will be forever. Always. Period.
Cryptexchange is a place to trade crypto for crypto. We deal with no fiat (dollars, euros, etc) therefore we are not subject to the same typical financial regulations other exchanges are. You can trade freely here, from any country, at any time. In the end it is your money, you should be able to use it however and whenever you like.
Funds deposited to Cryptexchange are 110% backed by proof of reserves, storage wallets are multi-sig, and 99% of funds are stored offline to ensure the utmost level of security. That said, it is best practice to only deposit funds you will actively trade or stake. Do not hold dormant crypto on any exchange, instead it should be stored in a private cold wallet. When you do trade crypto it is of course best to trade on Cryptexchange. Thank you for being a loyal customer.